SPC: PRACTICAL STEPS TO QUALITYINTRODUCTIONThis course covers the basic ideas or principles behind statistical control techniques. Deals with frequency histograms and check sheets. Variables charts are covered. Deals with attributes, a different kind of quality measurement. Discusses capability analysis and explains the concepts of total quality management and continuous improvement. TARGET GROUPThis module is intended for practitioners in the industry and offers insight into the quality management arena. It is beneficial for production managers, production planners, engineers, purchasing staff, production supervision accounting or any functional area of a manufacturing organisation intending to formalise their knowledge. COURSE OBJECTIVESTo provide the students with an-depth understanding of Quality management as well as assistance in interdepartmental understanding and to instil accountability and responsibility. DURATION10 Days / 60 Hours ENTRY REQUIREMENTSIt is recommended that a learner should have a minimum of a standard 10 or have obtained level 1 certificate. KEY LEARNING POINTS
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